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| May 1, 2024

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40 Years of Marc Antoni in Henley

40 Years of Marc Antoni in Henley
Sam Robinson

The milestone was celebrated with their team and clients with a special evening in their salon.

The Marc Antoni Group spans three generations of the family with the initial salon founded by Bruno Snr., with his sons Bruno, Simon, Aaron, and Marcus all working in the business with Bruno’s daughter Charlotte and Aaron’s son Paolo bringing the next generation of Giamattei’s into the business. The salon is in the heart of the Henley community and involves itself in all the great Henley activities from the Henley Regatta to the Henley Music Festival.

Awards & Accolades
The Marc Antoni salon in Henley is presided over by Bruno Marc Giamattei, who has been instrumental along with his three brothers Simon, Aaron, and Marcus in driving the four-salon group to success over the years, picking up multiple industry awards & accolades and immersing themselves in they local community.

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F.A.M.E. Team
From this salon Bruno became a member of the Fellowship and was leader of the F.A.M.E. Team for several years taking the team to Australia to shoot campaigns and went on to became President of the association helping to shape hairdressing education and training throughout that period. Training and education have always been a focus for the team and for many years the team has travelled to China to take part in the World Hair Congress in Xiamen and in 2023 they opened the first of the franchise salons in the city.

Supporting Charities
The salon has always supported local charities and when Bruno’s brother was found to have blood cancer, the salon team rallied round and along with the family raised valuable funds for the charity Bloodwise through sponsored cycle rides to Paris and taking part in the renowned Alternative Hair Show which raises money for Leukaemia Research. Each year the salon holds a charity raffle where clients purchase tickets to win a Harrods beauty Calendar and most recently Bruno raised money by offering his services to salons in return for a donation to Bloodwise he would spend a day in the donor’s salon training their team for a day. So popular was this that he did several days instead of the one he had originally planned.

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Next Generation
“So much has happened in this Henley salon over the years. It’s been the lynchpin of the company and integral to the growth, development and longevity of the company that will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2026. I can’t believe we have been in our Henley salon for 40 years. It’s a great salon to work in with an exciting team and a very loyal clientele. So many exciting things have happened over the years here from winning awards to supporting charity, growing, and developing our team and most of all being part of the Henley community for 40 years. The next generation of Giamattei’s are looking forward to what the next 40 years,” – Bruno-Marc.

More Info 
Instagram: @marcantonihair