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| April 30, 2024

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Embracing Earth Month

The power of UK salons

April is Earth Month, everywhere you go across the Globe. It is a time when individuals and industries alike look at their practices to see what they could do better for our planet. The hair industry, with its considerable influence and unique set of challenges, stands at the forefront of this transformative journey. As professionals in this vibrant sector, you wield the power to set the standard to pioneer a sustainable future, enhancing both the health of the earth and the vitality of your businesses.


Eco-Friendly Hair Salon-3

Environmental footprint

With over 40,000 salons across the UK, the collective consumption of water, energy, and single-use products contribute significantly to the ecological footprint. A study revealed that UK salons are responsible for disposing of millions of pounds of foil and colour tubes annually, most of which end up in landfill, although brands such as Green Salon Collective are trying to change this.

On top of this, the daily water usage can average up to 300 litres per salon, primarily through washing hair. These figures underline a critical opportunity for industry professionals to champion sustainability.

Making changes

You should be leveraging technology to enhance your salon’s sustainability. From booking systems that reduce paper waste to digital platforms for client consultations, technology can streamline operations and minimise environmental impact. Furthermore, staying informed about innovations in sustainable hair care allows you to offer clients the latest in eco-friendly beauty solutions.

In every thing you do, you have to bring your salon team and colleagues onboard with you. Check out some of our articles this month to help you make the changes that matter.