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| November 11, 2024

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Curl, brush, go

Curl, brush, go


Achieve your best curls with the ghd curve® range


Curl, Brush, Go is the motto of ghd's latest campaign. That's right, they're spreading the word to you and your clients that it's not just OK to brush out your curls, but they're encouraging it!


"Hair should always be free-flowing with a soft touchable texture. This is why we brush out curls! To unlock the hair's natural movement while retaining the shape created by the curve range." Dafydd Thomas, ghd Global Head of Education.


Each of the ghd curve styling tools work at the optimum styling temperature of 185°C to lock in curls. It means, no matter what your hair type is, you can alleviate the fear of dressing out your curls as they will bounce back to their formed shape.